Doctor of Education, Ashland University, 2010, College of Education
This study compares the succession of urban principals working under negotiated collective bargaining agreements and conferred “memorandums of understanding” with particular school boards in three of Ohio's major cities: Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Toledo. Relying on the following information: tenure, licensure status, professional experience, and gender, as predictive indicators of individual principal movement, isolating common factors of those moved over a five year period, utilizing the Ohio Department of Education public access data base as the primary source of information to verify stability as one advantage of collective bargaining.
Committee: Harold Wilson Ph.D. (Committee Chair); Ann Shelly Ph.D. (Committee Co-Chair); Larry Cook Ph.D. (Committee Member); Robert Shelly Ph.D. (Committee Member); James Van Keuren Ed.D. (Committee Member)
Subjects: School Administration