Master of Science (MS), Ohio University, 2011, Civil Engineering (Engineering and Technology)
This thesis analyzes the performance of perpetual pavements in use by the Ohio Department of Transportation. The pavement responses, collected from the Controlled Vehicle Loading Test, conducted on the perpetual section AC 664, of the WAY-30 project, were the basis of the study. The effects of several factors on the tensile strains and the loading pulse durations of the pavement, including speed, temperature, applied load, and lateral wheel offset, were evaluated. It was found that, even though the maximum longitudinal tensile strain, measured at the bottom layer of the pavement section, was greater than the recommended Fatigue Endurance Limit of 70 µε, no major distresses have appeared since the road was opened to traffic five years ago. It was also found that temperature and speed have a significant effect on the tensile strains and pulse durations. Greater strains were measured for the higher temperatures and the lower speeds, whereas greater pulse durations occurred at the lowest values of speed and temperature. Additionally, these results were compared with pavement responses predicted using the Mechanistic-Empirical approach described in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) and the multi-layer elastic analysis software, JULEA. The MEPDG procedure led to an over-prediction of the strain pulse durations of around 80% compared to those measured in the field. Contrarily, longitudinal tensile strains measured in the field were approximately 1.5 times those predicted using JULEA. Furthermore, an analysis of the pavement performance was conducted based on visual distress surveys and a pavement performance simulation using the MEPDG software. It was found that, according to annual inspections of the conditions of the Section AC 664, no major fatigue cracking signs have been observed in the five year operation period of the road. Additionally, according to the MEPDG simulation, the pavement design will not present significant fatigue cracking distres (open full item for complete abstract)
Committee: Shad Sargand PhD (Advisor); Deborah McAvoy PhD (Committee Member); Patricia Toledo-Torres PhD (Committee Member); Munir Nazzal PhD (Committee Member)
Subjects: Civil Engineering