Master of Science (MS), Ohio University, 2008, Geological Sciences (Arts and Sciences)
The Western Allegheny Plateau Ecoregion (WAP) and Shade River Watershed in SE Ohio were investigated to determine the chemical composition of waters and sediments, and their relationship with geology, land-use and biological indices. Ninety-three sites were sampled within the WAP with twenty-two sites in the Shade River. Chemical concentration of the waters in the Shade River fell within the USEPA criteria for the protection of aquatic life except DO, iron, manganese and phosphate while the causes of impairment within the WAP included pH, DO, EC, alkalinity, phosphate, iron, manganese, nitrate and sulfate. The waters were Ca-HCO3 dominated with weathering being the main process controlling the water chemistry. Biological indicator such as Index of Biotic Integrity (fish) was sensitive to PO4, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl and DO while Invertebrate Community Index (macroinvertebrate) correlated with pH, acidity and DO. Periphyton Index of Biotic Integrity (algae) showed no relationship with water chemistry.
Committee: Dina L. Lopez L (Advisor); Keith Milam (Committee Member); Greg Nadon (Committee Member)
Subjects: Geology