Doctor of Philosophy, The Ohio State University, 2024, Biomedical Sciences
The cellular and microenvironment contexts are critical for tumorigenesis and are influenced by inherited germline variants. Germline variants can affect the incidence of somatic mutations that confer advantages for uncontrolled tumorigenic growth. Moreover, a somatic mutation alone is not a guarantee of cancer, and the conditions dictated by germline variants can also influence whether or not a mutated cell progresses to cancer. This interaction between germline genetics and somatic mutations (GxM) has been observed though mutation signatures, tumor-immune interactions, and allele-specific imbalance, among other examples.
By unknown mechanisms, somatic mutation frequency in cancer differs by ancestry. Patients of African Ancestry (AfA) are more likely to have KRAS mutations in colorectal cancer (CRC) compared to patients of European Ancestry (EuA). Similarly, AfA women are more likely to have TP53 mutations in breast cancer (BC) and to have the more aggressive triple-negative (TNBC) tumor subtype compared to EuA women; Conversely, EuA women are more likely to have PIK3CA mutations in BC compared to AfA women. While social determinants of health (SDOH) and longstanding systematic racism are drivers of many cancer healthcare disparities, the drivers of the observed differences in tumor phenotypes and somatic mutations by ancestry remain unclear.
To identify associations between germline variants and KRAS mutations in CRC, we conducted a 2-step association analysis in Chapter 2. We first performed a genome-wide discovery analysis in 7,071 CRC patients of EuA and compared germline genomic data of individuals who had tumors with KRAS mutations to individuals who had KRAS-wildtype (WT) tumors. At the discovery stage, no associated variants were significant at a genome-wide level (P value < 5 x 10-8). Three single nucleotide variants (SNVs) associated with KRAS mutation status with P values < 1x10-6 and 50 with P values < 1x10-5. Of these 50 SNVs, 21 met criteria fo (open full item for complete abstract)
Committee: Amanda Tolland (Advisor); Jing Wang (Committee Member); Sameek Roychowdhury (Committee Member); Christin Burd (Committee Member)
Subjects: Genetics; Health Sciences; Molecular Biology