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The Effects of Assessment and Grading on Students' Attitudes Towards and Participation in the Visual Arts

Zelonish, Holly Anne

Abstract Details

2010, Master of Arts in Art Education, Youngstown State University, Department of Art.

In the United States today, there is a significant concern about the impact of assessment and modes of grading in visual arts education. While some people have high regard for visual arts and their contributions to education, others feel that it is an extracurricular activity. This attitude is pervasive among many practitioners in the educational community. One reason for this state of affairs is the low status of visual arts as a subject within the general core school curricula, and its concomitant effects on assessment and grading policies from various school districts.

Assessment and modes of grading can impact the status of visual arts education in school curricula, as well as how students perceive and participate in the visual art classroom. The purpose of this study is to explore how assessment and grading methods impact student attitudes towards and participation in visual arts. To achieve this objective, a review of literature on various assessment and grading methods in visual arts education was completed. This was followed by a review on the current status and perceptions of visual arts education.

In order to explore the views of teachers, students and parents about the importance of assessment and grading and its impact on learning in the visual arts, a survey questionnaire was developed. The surveys were completed by 26 middle school students, 22 parents, 13 visual art teachers, and eight regular education teachers. The findings from these surveys were then analyzed. The study shows strong correlations between assessment and/or mode of grading and student participation in the visual arts. Recommendations from this study stress the importance of developing effective grading policies and advocacy in the field of visual arts education.

Samuel Adu-Poku, PhD (Advisor)
David Gill, PhD (Committee Member)
Patricia Sarro, PhD (Committee Member)
94 p.

Recommended Citations


  • Zelonish, H. A. (2010). The Effects of Assessment and Grading on Students' Attitudes Towards and Participation in the Visual Arts [Master's thesis, Youngstown State University]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.

    APA Style (7th edition)

  • Zelonish, Holly. The Effects of Assessment and Grading on Students' Attitudes Towards and Participation in the Visual Arts. 2010. Youngstown State University, Master's thesis. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center,

    MLA Style (8th edition)

  • Zelonish, Holly. "The Effects of Assessment and Grading on Students' Attitudes Towards and Participation in the Visual Arts." Master's thesis, Youngstown State University, 2010.

    Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition)