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Further Exploration of Optical/Thermal Interaction Effects on High-Power Laser System Performance and Optimization Through Multiphysics System-Level Modeling

Abstract Details

2022, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Wright State University, Engineering PhD.
High-power laser systems (HPLS) have wide-ranging applications in many prominent areas. HPLS use laser diodes to pump fiber gain media. Understanding the functionality of both components is critical for achieving effective HPLS operation. System optical efficiency is a function of diode junction temperature. As junction temperature changes, the wavelength spectrum of the diode output shifts causing optical power losses in the fiber gain media. Optical/thermal interactions of the dynamically coupled laser diodes and fiber gain media are not fully understood. A system level modeling approach considering the interactions between optical performance and component temperature is necessary. Four distinct models were created: Diode optical, diode thermal, fiber optical, and fiber thermal. Dynamically coupling these models together provided the capability to demonstrate how HPLS electro-to-optical efficiency changes when the laser diode pump spectrum shifts due to various levels of thermal management. Subsequent studies were done to determine which parameters across all four models had the most significant impact on laser performance from a designer’s perspective. Next, a statistical surrogate model was created by varying these parameters to create a parameter space. Response variables of interest were then reduced to a single equation as a function of these important parameters across the parameter space, allowing for quicker exploration of the potential design space. Lastly, laser time to steady state and laser efficiency were employed to determine when a specific diode cooling method should be used to achieve the highest laser efficiency. Understanding the optical/thermal interactions of laser operation and exploring the impact of various thermal capabilities can provide better system design and optimization guidelines. Bridging the gap between the optical and thermal aspects of laser operation in pursuit of such understanding has been made possible by the research herein.
Rory Roberts, Ph.D. (Advisor)
Mitch Wolff, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
George Huang, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
Amir Farajian, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
Soumya Patnaik, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
276 p.

Recommended Citations


  • Butt, N. J. (2022). Further Exploration of Optical/Thermal Interaction Effects on High-Power Laser System Performance and Optimization Through Multiphysics System-Level Modeling [Doctoral dissertation, Wright State University]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.

    APA Style (7th edition)

  • Butt, Nathaniel. Further Exploration of Optical/Thermal Interaction Effects on High-Power Laser System Performance and Optimization Through Multiphysics System-Level Modeling. 2022. Wright State University, Doctoral dissertation. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center,

    MLA Style (8th edition)

  • Butt, Nathaniel. "Further Exploration of Optical/Thermal Interaction Effects on High-Power Laser System Performance and Optimization Through Multiphysics System-Level Modeling." Doctoral dissertation, Wright State University, 2022.

    Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition)