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Full text release has been delayed at the author's request until December 09, 2025

ETD Abstract Container

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Evaluating ingress pathways for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds to the interior of the firefighter PPE ensemble

Abstract Details

2023, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Medicine: Industrial Hygiene (Environmental Health).
Structure fires encompass organic and inorganic fuel sources from both natural and synthetic materials. Incomplete combustion of these materials harvests several hundred byproducts including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Firefighters are required to wear a certified National Fire Protection Association personal protective equipment (PPE) ensemble. In recent years, new and more advanced PPE control measures have been introduced (i.e., interface control measures, particulate-blocking materials, and the utilization of base layer clothing worn underneath the ensemble) with the intention of attenuating the ingress of known carcinogens to the inside of the gear. Providing interface control measures and adding particulate-blocking materials appeared to provide a protective benefit against less-volatile chemicals, like naphthalene and styrene. Using a fireground exposure simulator (FES), this mannequin-based study evaluated the effectiveness of four different PPE conditions with varying contamination control measures (incorporating PPE interface design features and particulate blocking materials) to protect against ingress of volatile and semi volatile contaminants in a smoke exposure chamber. Furthermore, we investigated the effectiveness of long-sleeve base layer clothing to provide additional workplace protection against skin contamination. Outside gear airborne concentrations were collected within the smoke exposure chamber. Personal air concentrations were collected from mannequins under PPE at the breathing zone, abdomen, and thigh heights and under the base layer at the abdomen and thigh heights. Sampled contaminants included benzene, toluene, styrene, and naphthalene. Workplace protection factors (WPFs) for all compounds were lower under hoods and jackets compared to under pants. Observed across all four conditions, median WPFs increased from the hood and jacket down to the turnout pant. We also evaluated varying levels of protective hood interface and particulate-blocking features. We assessed the efficacy of the hoods against the ingress of naphthalene. Additionally, we explored the effectiveness of a 100% cotton turtleneck at further attenuating the amount of naphthalene reaching the surface of the mannequin’s neck. Bulk base layer and under base layer filter samples were collected from the neck region of the mannequins and analyzed for PAHs. Naphthalene existed primarily in the vapor phase. A larger percentage of naphthalene was collected on the PTFE filter under the traditional knit hoods than on the cotton base layer, suggesting a small protective effect of the base layer. Results indicated that chemical volatility played a major role in terms of ingress or breakthrough capabilities. Interface control measures and particulate-blocking materials for the ensemble provided more protective effects against less volatile contaminants. Thus, the more volatile contaminants readily penetrated the standard PPE ensemble. Primarily, contaminants in the vapor phase penetrate the protective barriers of the firefighting PPE ensemble. Specifically, naphthalene has breakthrough tendencies to the interior of the protective hood, even those designs with more advanced PPE controls. Overall, having a more intricate understanding of sampling efficiency, exposure pathways, and efficacy of the studied PPE controls is crucial for advancing firefighting PPE technology and reducing occupational exposures to the U.S. Fire Service.
Jun Wang, Ph.D. (Committee Chair)
Sivaraman Balachandran, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
Mary Beth Genter, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
Kenneth Fent, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
I-Chen Chen, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
136 p.

Recommended Citations


  • Kander, M. (2023). Evaluating ingress pathways for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds to the interior of the firefighter PPE ensemble [Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.

    APA Style (7th edition)

  • Kander, Maria. Evaluating ingress pathways for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds to the interior of the firefighter PPE ensemble. 2023. University of Cincinnati, Doctoral dissertation. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center,

    MLA Style (8th edition)

  • Kander, Maria. "Evaluating ingress pathways for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds to the interior of the firefighter PPE ensemble." Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati, 2023.

    Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition)