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A Study of Power Cycles Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as the Working Fluid
Author Info
Schroder, Andrew U
Abstract Details
Year and Degree
2016, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Engineering and Applied Science: Aerospace Engineering.
A real fluid heat engine power cycle analysis code has been developed for analyzing the zero dimensional performance of a general recuperated, recompression, precompression supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle with reheat and a unique shaft configuration. With the proposed shaft configuration, several smaller compressor-turbine pairs could be placed inside of a pressure vessel in order to avoid high speed, high pressure rotating seals. The small compressor-turbine pairs would share some resemblance with a turbocharger assembly. Variation in fluid properties within the heat exchangers is taken into account by discretizing zero dimensional heat exchangers. The cycle analysis code allows for multiple reheat stages, as well as an option for the main compressor to be powered by a dedicated turbine or an electrical motor. Variation in performance with respect to design heat exchanger pressure drops and minimum temperature differences, precompressor pressure ratio, main compressor pressure ratio, recompression mass fraction, main compressor inlet pressure, and low temperature recuperator mass fraction have been explored throughout a range of each design parameter. Turbomachinery isentropic efficiencies are implemented and the sensitivity of the cycle performance and the optimal design parameters is explored. Sensitivity of the cycle performance and optimal design parameters is studied with respect to the minimum heat rejection temperature and the maximum heat addition temperature. A hybrid stochastic and gradient based optimization technique has been used to optimize critical design parameters for maximum engine thermal efficiency. A parallel design exploration mode was also developed in order to rapidly conduct the parameter sweeps in this design space exploration. A cycle thermal efficiency of 49.6% is predicted with a 320K [47°C] minimum temperature and 923K [650°C] maximum temperature. The real fluid heat engine power cycle analysis code was expanded to study a theoretical recuperated Lenoir cycle using supercritical carbon dioxide as the working fluid. The real fluid cycle analysis code was also enhanced to study a combined cycle engine cascade. Two engine cascade configurations were studied. The first consisted of a traditional open loop gas turbine, coupled with a series of recuperated, recompression, precompression supercritical carbon dioxide power cycles, with a predicted combined cycle thermal efficiency of 65.0% using a peak temperature of 1,890K [1,617°C]. The second configuration consisted of a hybrid natural gas powered solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine, coupled with a series of recuperated, recompression, precompression supercritical carbon dioxide power cycles, with a predicted combined cycle thermal efficiency of 73.1%. Both configurations had a minimum temperature of 306K [33°C]. The hybrid stochastic and gradient based optimization technique was used to optimize all engine design parameters for each engine in the cascade such that the entire engine cascade achieved the maximum thermal efficiency. The parallel design exploration mode was also utilized in order to understand the impact of different design parameters on the overall engine cascade thermal efficiency. Two dimensional conjugate heat transfer (CHT) numerical simulations of a straight, equal height channel heat exchanger using supercritical carbon dioxide were conducted at various Reynolds numbers and channel lengths.
Mark Turner, Sc.D. (Committee Chair)
Shaaban Abdallah, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
Milind Jog, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
246 p.
Subject Headings
supercritical carbon dioxide
power cycle
fluid properties
heat exchangers
Recommended Citations
Schroder, A. U. (2016).
A Study of Power Cycles Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as the Working Fluid
[Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.
APA Style (7th edition)
Schroder, Andrew.
A Study of Power Cycles Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as the Working Fluid.
2016. University of Cincinnati, Doctoral dissertation.
OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center
MLA Style (8th edition)
Schroder, Andrew. "A Study of Power Cycles Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as the Working Fluid." Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati, 2016.
Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition)
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This open access ETD is published by University of Cincinnati and OhioLINK.