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Full text release has been delayed at the author's request until January 01, 2029

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Exploring the Long-Term Growth and Population Dynamics of Mixed-Oak Forests to Climate and Silvicultural Management: A Case Study Utilizing Hickory

Rudolph, Aaron Jackson

Abstract Details

2023, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Ohio University, Plant Biology (Arts and Sciences).
Global climate change and human management practices are strong external forces that shape the compositions of our forests. My dissertation aimed to determine how these forces are influencing eastern North American forests, specifically focusing critically important, hickories (Carya) and oaks (Quercus). First, the impacts of forest mesophication on hickory populations and broader forest compositions were examined. While long-lived forest overstories remain stable, major compositional shifts in the forest midstory towards mesic-adapted species highlight the speed at which mesophication can alter forests. Next, the impacts of climate variability on hickory were assessed. Among three hickory species (Carya glabra, Carya ovata, and Carya tomentosa), all appear sensitive to summer growing season precipitation and site water balance. However, hickory growth-climate relationships appear to be undergoing a temporal shift to be more important earlier in the growing season. Additionally, the presence of strong growth-climate relationships in understory hickory appears highly-species specific and may indicate valuable species for studying climate impacts on forest understory environments. Finally, the long-term success of sustained forest management practices was evaluated. Hickories and oaks exhibit positive regeneration responses to repeated burning and overstory thinning, although to a varying degree. Overall, my dissertation highlights the potential impacts of climate change and human management on forest ecosystems and the need to recognize and adapt forest research and management to these major forces.
Brian McCarthy (Advisor)
Rebecca Snell (Advisor)
Jared DeForest (Committee Member)
James Dyer (Committee Member)
199 p.

Recommended Citations


  • Rudolph, A. J. (2023). Exploring the Long-Term Growth and Population Dynamics of Mixed-Oak Forests to Climate and Silvicultural Management: A Case Study Utilizing Hickory [Doctoral dissertation, Ohio University]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.

    APA Style (7th edition)

  • Rudolph, Aaron. Exploring the Long-Term Growth and Population Dynamics of Mixed-Oak Forests to Climate and Silvicultural Management: A Case Study Utilizing Hickory. 2023. Ohio University, Doctoral dissertation. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center,

    MLA Style (8th edition)

  • Rudolph, Aaron. "Exploring the Long-Term Growth and Population Dynamics of Mixed-Oak Forests to Climate and Silvicultural Management: A Case Study Utilizing Hickory." Doctoral dissertation, Ohio University, 2023.

    Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition)