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Electrical Characterization, Transport, and Doping Effects in Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Oxides

Crowley, Kyle McKinley

Abstract Details

2020, Doctor of Philosophy, Case Western Reserve University, Physics.
Within the past decade or so, semiconductor physics has turned a keen eye on two dimensional systems, with the pivotal investigation of atomically thin carbon films. The remarkable figures of merit produced by graphene in electronic and electrochemical applications, in contrast to bulk carbon properties, are indicative of the potential that layered materials might possess in their own right. Transition metal oxides offer a relatively unexplored facet of 2D semiconductor technology; these materials are often overlooked due to their wide band gaps when considering new subjects for nanostructure study. However, oxides offer a library of interesting properties, many of which are still not fully understood, and can be easily modified through doping to engineer new characteristics. Herein, three studies are discussed, where characterization of layered oxides, modified via various methods of doping, result in unique behaviors. The first study involves varying oxygen stoichiometry in α-MoO3, where transport is controlled by quantifiable reduction of grown α-MoO3 nanoflakes. The second details the study of LixCoO2, the staple cathode material used in lithium-ion batteries. This material exhibits unique charge-ordering phenomena as a function of lithium content, and is explored in its few-layer, single-crystal form for the first time. Finally, V2O5 is investigated, which displays p-type characteristics and a surface scattering effect when partially doped with sodium. The band structure is analyzed to explain these behaviors. The findings of these studies may play a key role in engineering thin oxide systems for future electronics applications.
Xuan Gao, Professor (Advisor)
Walter Lambrecht, Professor (Committee Member)
Jesse Berezovsky, Associate Professor (Committee Member)
Alp Sehirlioglu, Associate Professor (Committee Member)
166 p.

Recommended Citations


  • Crowley, K. M. (2020). Electrical Characterization, Transport, and Doping Effects in Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Oxides [Doctoral dissertation, Case Western Reserve University]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.

    APA Style (7th edition)

  • Crowley, Kyle. Electrical Characterization, Transport, and Doping Effects in Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Oxides. 2020. Case Western Reserve University, Doctoral dissertation. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center,

    MLA Style (8th edition)

  • Crowley, Kyle. "Electrical Characterization, Transport, and Doping Effects in Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Oxides." Doctoral dissertation, Case Western Reserve University, 2020.

    Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition)