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ETD Abstract Container
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Evaluating threats to the rare butterfly,
Pieris virginiensis
Author Info
Davis, Samantha Lynn
ORCID® Identifier
Abstract Details
Year and Degree
2015, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Wright State University, Environmental Sciences PhD.
Humans have caused drastic changes in ecosystems and communities through their modification of the natural landscape. Rare species, often highly specialized, are more impacted by these changes.
Pieris virginiensis
is a rare butterfly native to eastern North America that is a species of concern due to negative influences from habitat loss and plant invasion. This thesis discusses several threats to
P. virginiensis
, including habitat loss, climate change, competition, and the cascading effects of a novel European invasive plant,
Alliaria petiolata
, that attracts oviposition but does not allow for larval survival. First, I examined a local extinction event and attributed it primarily to several seasons of poor weather and extreme climatic events, but with contributions by an increasing deer population and the introduction of
A. petiolata
. Second, I found that
A. petiolata
attracts approximately two-thirds of total eggs, but no larvae survive on the novel host. I tested several chemical causes of larval death and identified two potential contributors: sinigrin, which delays growth, and alliarinoside, which reduces survival. I also examined competition between
P. virginiensis
, its host plants, and novel competitors in the habitats. First, I looked at shared habitat use between
P. virginiensis
and another, exotic Pierid butterfly
P. rapae
. Although habitats are occasionally shared,
P. rapae
is most likely not a large influence on the success or failure of
P. virginiensis
. Second, I examined the influence of
A. petiolata
when it competes with two native host plants of
P. virginiensis
, and found differential effects of each life stage of
A. petiolata
on the native host plants. Finally, I used a combination of species distribution modeling and genetic sequencing to determine the current and future states of
P. virginiensis
given the changing climate and other stressors on
P. virginiensis
populations. Although secure currently, future stressors will most likely cause a range contraction and local extinctions.
Don Cipollini, Ph.D. (Advisor)
John Stireman, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
Jeffrey Peters, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
Thaddeus Tarpey, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
Francie Chew, Ph.D. (Committee Member)
138 p.
Subject Headings
Climate Change
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
pieris virginiensis
novel plant-insect interactions
alliaria petiolata
cardamine diphylla
boechera laevigata
arabis laevigata
conservation genetics
species distribution modeling
chemical ecology
Recommended Citations
Davis, S. L. (2015).
Evaluating threats to the rare butterfly,
Pieris virginiensis
[Doctoral dissertation, Wright State University]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.
APA Style (7th edition)
Davis, Samantha.
Evaluating threats to the rare butterfly,
Pieris virginiensis
2015. Wright State University, Doctoral dissertation.
OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center
MLA Style (8th edition)
Davis, Samantha. "Evaluating threats to the rare butterfly,
Pieris virginiensis
." Doctoral dissertation, Wright State University, 2015.
Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition)
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Copyright Info
© 2015, some rights reserved.
Evaluating threats to the rare butterfly,
Pieris virginiensis
. by Samantha Lynn Davis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at
This open access ETD is published by Wright State University and OhioLINK.